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National Test Results

The school’s performance data can be found here.

Assessment of the children’s knowledge and understanding is an ongoing process, to ensure that teaching is accurately targeted to meet the learning needs of all children.  However, more formal assessments are usually carried out at the end of Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6.

It is important to remember that these can vary considerably from year to year as they reflect a small cohort of pupils, where a single pupil can account for up to 5% difference in outcomes. These statistics are not simply numbers, but real children with a wide range of life experiences, which may affect both attainment and progress in KS2. EYFS and Year 2 assessments are the result of teacher assessments, which are moderated by other professionals, including local authority moderators on occasion. Year 6 assessments in reading and mathematics are the result of assessment tests undertaken on a specific day.

Key Stage 2 Results 2023

Percentage of children working at the expected standard or above compared with Hertfordshire and National average (Herts and National data is provisional)

  • Reading: School 75.9%, Hertfordshire 76%, National 73%
  • Writing: School 46.7%, Hertfordshire 70%, National 71%
  • Maths: School 65.5%, Hertfordshire 75%, National 73%
  • Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar: School 69.0%, Hertfordshire 75%, National 72%

Percentage of children working at greater depth compared with Hertfordshire and National average

  • Reading: School 31%, Hertfordshire 34%, National 29%
  • Writing: School 3.3%, Hertfordshire 16%, National 13%
  • Maths: School 10%, Hertfordshire 28%, National 24%

Average scaled score in reading: 106, Hertfordshire 106, National 105  (100 is the minimum required to achieve the expected standard, 110 for greater depth)

Average scaled score in maths: 101, Hertfordshire 105, National 104

Average scaled score in SPaG: 103, Hertfordshire 106, National 105

School’s progress scores: Reading -1.4, Writing -6.5, Maths -4.6