Trips & Visits

We believe that school trips and outings provide the children with a very valuable first hand experience as learners. We look to arrange trips for all year groups linked to our curriculum.  Pupils have visited places such as Celtic Harmony, Paradise Wildlife Park and the Abbey.

The costs of trips can at times be very high, especially transport costs which have increased greatly over recent years and often make up most of the costs. We are very grateful to the PTA who have an on-going commitment to subsidise trips, but we still have to ask parents for a voluntary contribution. If sufficient funds are not received for a particular activity then it may have to be cancelled as it is not possible to regularly cover costs from the school budget. Refunds will be offered should an overpayment arise.

Parents who find the cost of a school trip / visit to be a real challenge to their budget are encouraged to come and speak to the Headteacher. This year pupils eligible for Pupil Premium are offered an additional discount on the cost of trips and outings.

See Charging and Remissions policy