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Art and Design

“Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity.”

The Primary National Curriculum Framework 2014


Our art curriculum has been designed to develop children’s love of art in all its forms, progressively developing a range of skills in different media. Using the inspiration of great artists and art movements, children have the chance to evaluate and analyse creative works, whilst developing their own cultural capital. Themes have been chosen to engage pupils’ interests e.g. manga drawing, and to demonstrate inclusivity e.g. Frida Kahlo


Most themes are based on the work of great artists or craftsmen/women and children will learn some relevant biographical or historical facts. Drawing inspiration from their work, pupils will explore and develop key skills, that they will then use to create a finished piece of work. They will then be expected to critically evaluate their work and that of their peers. Vocabulary grids enable children to articulate their views and understanding using appropriate, specialist vocabulary.